Communicate Solution

How might we clearly and effectively communicate our ideas to others?

90 min

Outcome(s): At the end of this lesson, learners will be better prepared to communicate their proposed solutions to peers.


  • Communicate Solution Slidedeck
  • Communicate Solution Group Poster
  • The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes by Mark Pett and Gary Rubenstein
  • Student Journals
  • Pencils

1. Launch

Objective: Learners will listen to The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes read aloud and engage in discussion about why it’s important to let go of our fear of failure in order to challenge ourselves.

2. Explore

Objective: Given a shared group poster titled Communicate Solution, and with prompting and support from the teacher, learners will work in teams to add to each section of their organizational poster. Once the poster is complete, learners can work together on a presentation, using the poster prompts as a guide. 

3. Summarize

Objective: Teams will be assigned quiet locations to practice running through their presentations in preparation for a final showcase of projects.