Define Problem & Ideate

How might generating MANY different ideas for a solving a problem lead to better solutions?

30 min

Outcome(s): At the end of this lesson, learners will have experience with ideation as an initial and collaborative approach to generating multiple ideas with no wrong answers.


  • Define Problem & Ideate Slidedeck
  • Define Problem & Ideate Poster for each Team
  • Ideate Journal Prompt
  • Student Journals
  • Pencil for each participant

1. Launch

Objective: With prompting from slides, learners will turn their narrowed down issue into a problem statement to include on their team’s poster.

2. Explore

Objective: Using the Ideate journal prompt, students will individually draw and write a brainstorm of ideas in their journals. Next, students will bring ideas to their teams to share initial brainstorms before adding collective ideas to the team’s Define Problem & Ideate poster.

3. Summarize

Objective: Learners will listen to What Do You Do with an Idea? Read aloud before having a discussion about exciting ideas that came out of today’s ideation sessions.