Parts & People

Who is involved in creating designed objects?

30 min

Outcome(s): At the end of this lesson, learners will be able to identify the people involved during different stages of designing and building an object.


  • Parts and People Slidedeck
  • Parts & People Journal Prompt
  • Student Journals
  • Small cartons of orange juice or large orange juice carton with individual cups
  • Pencil for each participant

1. Launch

Objective: After reviewing parts and purposes with a newly introduced object (the pencil), students will engage in an introductory discussion about what people they think are involved in designing and building objects.

2. Explore

Objective: After discussion and viewing a video on how pencils are made, students will complete the Parts and People journal prompt to uncover the multiple layers of people and interactions that must occur in order for orange juice to appear in the cups they are enjoying while they work.

3. Summarize

Objective: Learners will compare their visual representations of the parts and people it takes to make orange juice while offering new insights to their peers.